Understand your Risk

Transform your sales strategy with AI-driven insights that identify and mitigate deal risks effectively.

Transform Your Deal Evaluation Process

Utilize our fine-tuned custom LLMs for accurate deal scoring and risk identification, enabling sales leaders to manage pipelines and address at-risk deals promptly. Insights are delivered directly in your CRM through our native integrations with Salesforce and Hubspot.

Customized to Your Sales Process

Our Fine-tuned Models are trained exclusively on your CRM, Conversational and Email Data to deliver insights that are specific to your company's sales process and methodology.

A Privacy First Approach

Your data is owned by you. We never use your data to train generic models or models for other customers.

Step 1:
Data Input and Model Fine-Tuning

We train a custom Model based on past data from your CRM, customer emails, and recorded customer conversations.

Step 2:
Risk Assessment and Scoring

Our Model analyzes the data from every deal to score deals by risk level.

Step 3:
Actionable Insights

Receive tailored recommendations to mitigate risks - delivered natively in your CRM.

AI-Powered Deal Risk Detection

Our AI-powered Deal Risk Detection offers insights to minimize deal failures and improve forecast accuracy, supporting proactive decisions.

Put the predictive power of your own data to use.

Reduce the likelihood of deals being lost.

Enhance your forecasting accuracy with objective deal scores based on the past history of your company's deals.

Empower proactive decision-making for your sales team.